BHRT Explained and How It Will Change Your Life

May 8, 2019 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
BHRT in Denver Medical Spa
May 8th, 2019 0 Comments

You’ve probably heard the saying the only things certain in life are death and taxes, but we have a few thoughts on this mindset, we’d like to add changing hormones to that list!

As we age, we will encounter natural changes in our hormones, and some people will have severe symptoms while others barely notice.

That’s just one reason why we think a blanket approach isn’t the way to go when treating hormonal imbalance; everybody is different as are our needs, health goals, and concerns.

At EVEXIAS Medical Center Denver, we have committed ourselves to provide our patients with lasting solutions to their health concerns. One way we’re able to do this is through bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

A Customized Approach to Hormone Management

In the past, or even currently at certain clinics, hormone therapy could be overwhelming. There were pills, patches, creams, and much more, but none offered a personalized approach to patients’ needs and merely treated symptoms rather than provided relief.

At EVEXIAS Denver, we use an advanced treatment option that employs BHRT through pellets. A natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapies, subcutaneous BHRT with pellets uses natural, plant-based extracts that are compatible with your body’s biological makeup.

Bio-identical hormones are replicas of hormones your body already produces, while synthetic hormones are not molecularly identical. Here are some fast facts to give you an idea of what to expect:

  • Bio-identical hormones are derived from plants, giving you an all-natural solution.
  • Your dose will be determined based on your needs according to blood tests.
  • Improvements can be seen within the first two weeks, but eight weeks is necessary to feel the full effects.

Did you know that mass-produced, synthetic hormones are composed of either horse urine or artificially formulated (synthetic) hormones in a lab?

It should go without saying these are not items you want in your body. Manufacturers deliberately create synthetic hormones that are slightly different than natural human hormones to patent those formulations.

While this all sounds scary and overwhelming, you can relax knowing that BHRT has been around for ages. In fact, health practitioners have performed BHRT, plant-based pellet implants since the early 1900s.

And recently, there has been a resurgence in the number of practitioners offering pellet therapy after studies revealed natural hormones may be a safer, more effective alternative to synthetic hormone treatments that have been widely used in the last few decades.

Your Guide to Balance

Does BHRT with pellets seem like an exciting option for you? We’d love to:

  • Meet with you
  • Discuss your health goals
  • Run some blood tests
  • See how your hormones currently stand up

We’ll go over BHRT with pellets and the improvements you can expect based on your unique health concerns.

Give us a call at (720) 729-7268 or schedule your consultation easily online!

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Article Name
BHRT Explained and How It Will Change Your Life
Does BHRT with pellets seem like an exciting option for you? We'd love to meet with you and discuss your health goals, run some blood tests, and see how your hormones currently stand up.