Can BHRT Help With My Menopause Mood Swings?

November 15, 2022 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
BHRT Help in Denver Medical Spa
November 15th, 2022 0 Comments

You totally get that this “time of life” is both natural and unavoidable, but it’s no walk in the park dealing with the menopause mood swings that come with it!

You’d like a solution – and BHRT has reared its head as a possible one. So in this article, we’ll discuss

  • menopause mood swings and causes,
  • ways to tackle menopause mood changes naturally, and
  • hormone treatment with BHRT – the answer to your question about whether it can help steady your mood.

What Are the Most Common Menopause Mood Swings?

There are many unpleasant physical menopause symptoms – and we bet you could make a list from your own experience, so we won’t! – but keep an eye out for mood swings like:

  • Increased irritability with anyone or anything
  • Sudden angry outbursts that seem to come from nowhere
  • Feelings of sadness with no real explanation
  • Lack of motivation to do anything you usually enjoy
  • Sudden waves of anxiety about upcoming events or situations
  • Difficulty concentrating when you usually focus well
  • Brain fog intervening when you were following an argument perfectly well

These can make your life – and the life of your close family and friends – particularly difficult, so we need to look at the reasons for mood swings more closely.

What Causes Mood Swings?

As we acknowledged, menopause mood swings are no fun. But they’re an integral part of menopause you can’t avoid. So it’s good to know the possible causes to help you work out some solutions.

Researchers found that menopause mood swings – and being prone to feeling sadder than usual – often result from a multitude of factors, both hormone-related ones and others that are not.

Common causes of mood changes are:

1 Hormonal imbalances

You’ve guessed the prime suspects are probably hormones – again! But have you worked out which hormones cause mood swings?

The main culprits are estrogen and progesterone. The production of these reduces, and the ovaries therefore release less as each year passes.

Other hormone-related issues that can make mood swings worse are low testosterone and thyroid conditions (hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism). It’s always good to check out your hormone levels with your healthcare provider if you feel out of whack.

2 Discomfort from physical menopause symptoms

Hot flashes and night sweats can make it hard for anyone to keep on an even keel with their moods! So before you think you’re losing the plot, bear in mind it might be physical discomfort making you feel down or operate on a short fuse.

3 Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

While not very significant, these deficiencies can still influence your mood, particularly lack of vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium. Again, your healthcare provider is your best friend here for informed help!

4 Stress and a less-healthy lifestyle

Not sleeping enough or suffering insomnia, having an unbalanced diet, not exercising enough, intense levels of stress, and having low/inadequate social support can add fuel to the fire. You really don’t need these added stressors during your perimenopause years.

How Can I Fight Mood Changes Naturally?

The good news is that some of your mood swings can be relieved naturally by improving your diet, sleep schedule, and exercise. Try these first:

  • Reduce caffeine, processed sugar, and alcohol
  • Eat more green leafy vegetables, wholegrains, eggs, and oily fish
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements (based on your doctor’s advice)
  • Add exercise or movement to your routine, despite what you feel like!
  • Consider adding breathing and mindfulness exercises, even simple ones
  • Increase social activities
  • Sleep more (the tips above should help you get more sleep!)

However, while this advice can help you feel better and manage your mood, there’s no denying that your hormone balance is not what it used to be.

Time to talk about BHRT!

How Can BHRT Help Manage Menopause Mood Swings?

If you’re doing your best with natural solutions and still feeling down and irritated one minute, then up and fiery the next, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can make a real difference!

You probably already know how BHRT works – by replenishing your depleted hormones with natural, plant-based ones that

  • match perfectly with what your body expects and
  • can therefore work to the maximum to get your body and moods back on track

Studies have shown that BHRT improves mood significantly. Women who participated experienced a 25% decrease in emotional lability, a 25% decrease in irritability, and a 22% reduction in anxiety within 3 to 6 months of beginning BHRT. What’s not to like?

You’ll find the BHRT can bring back

  • your sense of mental balance,
  • less-volatile moods, and
  • a feeling of stability, like you had in your pre-menopause years.

How Much BHRT Do I Need?

This all depends on your body and your health goals  – your doctor will be able to adjust the dose and tweak it over time to maintain your best health and improve your mood stability.

In general, though, and with the right dose, you should see some results within a few months of starting BHRT.

Is BHRT safe?

This is the million dollar question everyone wants the answer to!

It’s completely normal to feel hesitant about starting new treatments, so – studies have shown that BHRT can have significant health benefits when it’s correctly dosed and you’re under a doctor’s care.

Are There Any BHRT Side Effects?

This is the other worry you might have. After all, you certainly don’t want significant side effects on top of mood swings!

While BHRT can bring many positive changes, it can also lead to certain symptoms in the first 3 to 6 weeks of therapy. Keep in mind that this is absolutely normal, because the body is undergoing a hormonal transition.

The most common concerns around BHRT are:

  • Fluid retention
  • Swelling of the hands and feet
  • Uterine spotting and bleeding
  • Irritability and mood swings (just a few until you stabilize!)
  • Facial breakouts
  • Hair thinning
  • Hair growth (in places where we don’t want it)

These symptoms are not always permanent. They can go away on their own or can be easily managed with a dosage adjustment. If you’d like more detail on these, we wrote about BHRT concerns in a previous post. Have a read and put your mind at rest!

Let us help you deal with menopause mood swings!

Checking in with us at Evexias Denver about mood swings and the option of BHRT is always best, because your body is unique and your treatment needs to match.

However, your wellness is our passion and we’ll do everything we can to help you feel your best during these difficult perimenopause years. Contact us today!

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Article Name
Can BHRT Help With My Menopause Mood Swings?
Check out why your moods may be volatile, and how BHRT can help stabilize your menopause mood swings during these difficult years – so you can feel your best!