Got Stubborn Fat? We Can Help!

September 16, 2020 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
Leading Medical Spa in Denver
September 16th, 2020 0 Comments

You’ve been trying to get rid of it, but that fat won’t go away! You might even call it stubborn. That’s because it is!

There’s nothing wrong with you. Stubborn fat is real. And it’s hard to get rid of it!

All The Right Things

We know you’ve done all the right things to lose weight. You’ve:

  • Changed your diet
  • Gotten into the rhythm of aerobic exercise and weight training
  • Probably tried everything else you can think of

But, there are still some areas on your body where the fat won’t go away!

  • Butt
  • Thighs
  • Love handles
  • Belly area

That’s okay. We’re here to help. Let’s start by understanding why that fat is so stubborn.

The Fat-Burning Process

Lipolysis is a process that burns fats. It’s a pretty interesting process, but we won’t go into here. What you need to know for this blog post is the fat-burning process consists of three stages:

  1. Fat is released from a fat cell.
  2. The fat is brought to another cell to be burned.
  3. The fat gets inside a cell and is burned (lipid oxidation).

The process is pretty straightforward. And, you can manipulate it through diet and exercise until you factor in stubborn fat.

Stubborn fat is physiologically different from other fat, which means your body releases and burns it differently. Again, we won’t get too science-y here.

Basically, these physiological differences slow down the fat burning process, making stubborn fat very difficult to get rid of.

Hormone Imbalance Often Causes Stubborn Fat 

Hormones impact stubborn fat more than other types of fat. This may be one reason you have not been successful in taking off stubborn fat with diet and exercise alone.

The following all contribute to the fat creating and fat burning process.

  • Insulin
  • Catecholamines
  • Thyroid
  • Cortisol
  • Sex hormones

More and more research is pointing to hormone imbalance as a possible cause for weight gain or the inability to take the weight off.

If hormone imbalance is the cause, it won’t matter how many weights you lift or how many keto diets you go on. You’ll need some extra help in the form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Let Us Help You Solve Your Stubborn Fat Issue

Trying to get rid of stubborn fat on your own can be next to impossible. If you’re done living with it and want help shaving it off once and for all, we’re here to help.

Each person is different. Depending on your needs, we might suggest one of two forms of treatment.

  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
  • CoolScultping

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

BHRT is perfect for people who are suffering from hormone imbalance—and it won’t just help you with taking off that stubborn fat. You’ll likely see improvements to your:

  • Sleep patterns
  • Memory
  • Libido


CoolScultping is a new non-invasive, non-surgical body sculpting technique that helps men and women finally rid themselves of unwanted:

  • Love handles
  • Double chins
  • Muffin tops

It doesn’t have any scarring, surgery, or lengthy recovery time. Contact us for an appointment today!


Article Name
Got Stubborn Fat? We Can Help!
Hormone replacement therapy may help you take off that stubborn fat! You'll likely improve your sleep patterns, memory, and libido too.