Male and Female Testosterone: the FAQs

August 15, 2022 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
Omega Supplements in Denver Medical Spa
August 15th, 2022 0 Comments

Testosterone imbalance is no joke! And it’s not something you hear much about in public. In this article, therefore, we’ll answer the most common questions people ask us about testosterone, its role, and what happens when you have a hormonal imbalance involving it.

If you still have an unanswered question at the end, do please contact us – we’ll be happy to talk with you. Otherwise, let’s dive in!

What is Testosterone and What Does it Do in Your Body?

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that plays a major role in both men’s and women’s bodies.

In men, it influences libido, bone and muscle mass, strength, fat distribution, and red blood cell and sperm production.

In women, when paired with estrogen, it has a key role in growth, maintenance, bone density, muscle mass, energy, libido, and cognitive function.

With testosterone influencing so many functions of the body, it’s rather obvious that an imbalance can affect you in unwelcome ways!

What Are Ideal Testosterone (T) Levels?

Optimal T levels will vary among both men and women, as well as in relation to the time of day and your age. However, here is an approximate idea of normal T levels observed during blood analysis:

  • Male – 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or 10 to 35 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)
  • Female – 15 to 70 ng/dL or 0.5 to 2.4 nmol/L

If your results look normal but you still feel something is wrong, discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

What Causes Testosterone Imbalance in Men?

Too much or too little testosterone brings about an imbalance that affects your other hormones, as they try to restore equilibrium to your body. It’s normal, however, for testosterone levels to fluctuate with age.

For example, older men and those going through andropause may not produce enough of this hormone. But testosterone production is also subject to external factors such as

  • nutrition,
  • alcohol consumption, and
  • certain medications or supplements.

So let’s look at symptoms of low T and high T in men.

What Do Low-T or High-T Symptoms Look Like in Men?

In men, the decline of testosterone starts around the age of 30, and low testosterone levels often show up in lower general wellbeing such as

  • low sex drive
  • erectile dysfunction,
  • mood swings
  • cognitive impairment
  • lack of vitality
  • obesity
  • hair loss
  • lower bone mass

On the other hand, levels of testosterone that are too high can lead to

  • low sperm count
  • impotence
  • liver disease
  • insomnia
  • headache
  • weight gain
  • mood swings

It’s possible your T levels can be raised accidentally by overuse of anabolic steroids if you’re taking them to increase muscle mass and athletic performance. But high T can also be a sign of adrenal gland dysfunction or testicular cancer. That’s why professional consultation is good.

What About Testosterone Imbalance in Women?

Testosterone levels in women are best when in balance with other hormones.

Low T is often a result of you aging and reaching menopause – or perhaps dysfunction of your pituitary or adrenal glands. Both can lead to

  • low libido,
  • depressed mood,
  • lethargy, and
  • muscle weakness.

On the other hand, high levels of testosterone in women can result from underlying medical conditions such as adrenal gland dysfunction and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). You might then have symptoms such as

  • deepening of the voice,
  • excessive body hair,
  • irregular menstruation,
  • acne,
  • depression,
  • infertility,
  • apnea, and
  • obesity

What Happens When There’s a Hormonal Imbalance During Menopause?

Ovaries produce testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen (the primary female hormone), and all have a role to play in the growth, maintenance, and repair of your reproductive tissues, body tissues, and bone mass.

As menopause approaches, the production of progesterone and estrogen slowly declines and falls to low levels. This hormonal imbalance can lead to hot flashes, bloating, fatigue, bone loss, insomnia, and headaches.

With age and decline in ovarian function, however, testosterone production also declines. With all hormones having very low levels, menopausal women find themselves at risk for obesity, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease, as well as loss of libido, lack of vitality, and severe mood swings. But all is not lost! We have a solution. First, though…

How Can I Know If I Have Low T Levels?

It’s not normal if you always feel lethargic, have a low sex drive, severe mood swings, and brain fog. These are common symptoms of low T levels – so if you relate to them, take a look at our symptom checklist for men and women.

Can You Rectify Testosterone Imbalance?

Short answer, YES: Hormone replacement therapy is one of the possible solutions!

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

The aim of HRT is to replace the hormones that are at lower levels and achieve hormonal balance. HRT is available as pellets, topical creams, tablets for oral delivery, or injectables. At Evexias Denver, however, our preference is for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). So let’s look at that next.

What is BHRT and How Does it Work?

BHRT uses plant-based natural hormones and your body accepts these more efficiently and effectively than synthetic hormones. BHRT pellet therapy involves tiny pellets implanted in the fatty tissue under the skin. The pellets will release hormones whenever your body requires them!

You can expect to visit your practitioner 2-4 times per year, as the tiny pellets release the hormones in your body for around 3-6 months. The exact composition of the pellets will be adjusted to your testosterone and estrogen needs, and monitored.

Am I a Good Candidate For BHRT?

In general, women should start the therapy within 10 years of the first menopause symptoms and use it for less than five years. Men can also start BHRT as soon as they reach andropause, or are suffering from low T symptoms.

If you’re under significant stress or suffer from certain medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or thyroid issues), BHRT pellet therapy might not work as well for you. This is another reason to be sure you consult with a well-qualified provider.

How Can I Get Started With BHRT for Testosterone Issues?

If you feel you might be affected by hormonal imbalance, or suspect your testosterone levels are low, our qualified staff at Evexias Medical Denver can help you. We’ll do a thorough assessment to find the root cause of your health issues, and devise the best therapy plan for you.

If you have further questions about testosterone – such as costs and insurance – or want to learn how BHRT pellet therapy can help you, contact us today!

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Article Name
Male and Female Testosterone: the FAQs
Learn the role of testosterone in both men and women, ideal levels, what causes an imbalance, and how to treat it with BHRT.