Success Story: Kris Davis Practice Administrator

September 23, 2020 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
Leading Medical Spa in Denver
September 23rd, 2020 0 Comments

My name is Kris Davis, and I am the Practice Administrator at Evexias Medical Denver/Denver Vein Center. I’ve been working with Dr. Norton since 2005.  Over the years, the business has evolved. We’ve added so many different offerings, and I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to try out these services before we started offering them to patients. It gives me a unique perspective to be able to speak to patients about my experiences of each procedure.

I’ve had Botox, Fillers, Coolsculpting, and, most recently, BHRT therapy. From top to bottom, all of these procedures have helped me to feel my best. But, I haven’t always felt this way. Here is my story. 

I Knew Something Wasn’t Right, and I Needed Help

I’m 51, and in my early 40’s, I started experiencing what I now know to be hormone imbalances.  I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I knew something wasn’t right.  I didn’t feel myself.  My periods were out of control, coming every other week and lasting 7-days or more and extremely heavy.  This obviously affected my libido and my mood.  I was exhausted all the time, and I couldn’t sleep.  I had anxiety and was irritable.  Not to mention I was at my heaviest weight in my life.  I just couldn’t lose weight, or I’d lose a little, only to gain more back. 

When I talked to my OBGYN about it, she said, “that’s what happens as women age, get used to your new normal.” She also said being exhausted and not sleeping resulted from having three busy teens and working full-time. She put me on birth control to try and stabilize my periods.  I didn’t need birth control as I had a tubal ligation after my last child was born. It was strictly to try and get my periods under control. 

I was concerned about risks with birth control and my age, but she gave me no alternative.  I was desperate, so I agreed. The BC helped with my periods, but all those other symptoms continued, and on top of it, I gained even more weight on the birth control.  I suffered for years with these symptoms and became more depressed as I realized I would probably have to live with these symptoms for the next 30 years or more. 

BHRT Changed My Life

Dr. Norton was on her own journey with hormones and had been researching BHRT on her own.  In 2017, Dr. Norton and I started looking at BHRT and Hormone therapy for the practice.  Together, she and I researched how the therapy worked, what the benefits were, and decided this could be a valuable therapy for our patients.  However, we knew we had to experience it first.  We headed to Dallas, Texas, and met with Terri DeNeui.  Both Dr. Norton and I were treated with BHRT Pellets and started on a vitamin regimen. 

To say that this therapy changed my life is an understatement.  In the last two and a half years, I feel better than I felt for most of my 40’s. I’m now sleeping through the night; my anxiety and irritability are gone.

I lost 70 pounds and have kept it off for a year now.  Keep in mind, the pellets started the weight loss process, but I had to make some profound diet changes to coincide with this in order to lose the weight. However,  I feel like myself again.  Life is so much clearer.  No more brain fog, anxiety, or irritability.  Not only that, but I got to skip all the familiar menopause symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats).  By balancing my hormones, I addressed and fixed the imbalance that usually causes those symptoms—benefiting my marriage, as well.  My husband also got pellets, and together, we have found each other again.  My only regret is that I didn’t know about this therapy sooner. 

I’m in My Early 50’s and Feel Better Than Ever!

So now, here I am in my early 50’s and feeling better than I ever have!  So the Botox, Fillers, and Coolsculpting help me look my best.  The botox works great on fine lines and wrinkles in my face.  The fillers were added to my cheeks to give a little volume because after I lost the weight, my face was sagging a bit.  What I love about our practice is that Jonna and Sharla (our two cosmetic injectors) do a fabulous job at making me look natural. 

When I had Coolsculpting, it was a similar experience. I had some areas on my love handles and abdomen that needed some treatment.  Lauren, Renee, and Hanan, who do our Coolsculpting treatments here, were so great at not making me feel self-conscious about the areas.  They were realistic with me and let me know that this wasn’t going to solve any weight issues. It was just going to help contour.  I love the shape I have now, and I’m considering doing my inner thighs.

I’m Lucky to Be Part of the Evexias Medical Denver/Denver Vein Center Team

I’m so lucky to be involved with such a great practice that has helped me be my best self.  I know I am probably biased, but our staff is amazing.  I love each of them for their unique personalities, their diverse backgrounds, and their compassion and care for our patients.  Jonna, Lauren, Dr. Norton, and I have worked together for 14+ years.  We have a passion for our patients that I feel is unmatched at other practices.  Each of our staff members that join our team shares the same values we do.  Patient Care is our number one priority, and we work together to help our patients achieve their medical and aesthetic goals.   

Evexias Medical Denver Can Help You Too

At Evexias Medical Denver/Denver Vein Centre, I’m passionate about our practice, our staff, and our services.  My door is always open, and I’m happy to share my knowledge and experience. Feel free to reach out and get in contact with me today! 

Article Name
Featured Success Story - Kris Davis Practice Administrator
I'm Kris Davis, Practice Administrator at Evexias Medical Denver/Denver Vein Center. Read on to learn more about me, the practice, and how Evexias Medical Denver can help you.