Testosterone: What Women Need to Know

December 4, 2019 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
Testosterone in Denver Medical Spa
December 4th, 2019 0 Comments

The conversation around hormones has been pretty basic for years; most people think of hormones and say estrogen is what women have, and testosterone is what men have. However, the reality is that all people need both hormones for proper function.

Additionally, low testosterone isn’t just a health risk and concern for men, but it also affects women. While many women are mostly unaware that their low testosterone levels are abnormal, they may be suffering from serious health consequences and symptoms.

Whether you know nothing at all about this topic or you’ve heard a little about it, read on for:

  • A comprehensive and quick explanation of what low-testosterone means for women
  • What the common signs are
  • What treatment options are available

Low-Testosterone in Women

Women don’t naturally have as high of testosterone levels as men, but an imbalance of this hormone can certainly lead to severe physical and emotional symptoms if left unchecked.

Have you heard of androgens before? This is a group of hormones that help regulate important functions like:

  • Fertility
  • Sex drive
  • Red blood cell production

Testosterone is an androgen and therefore has a role in these functions as well. Women, are you starting to see the importance of monitoring testosterone levels?

Why You Need an Expert Guide for Hormone Management

Monitoring testosterone levels can be particularly challenging in women for a few reasons, but mostly because a woman’s testosterone levels fluctuate naturally through different times, like during a menstrual cycle, or even just throughout a regular day.

That’s one reason why it is so important that you seek qualified guidance in managing and monitoring hormone levels. Also, guidelines around what constitutes a “normal” level of testosterone vary significantly between each person.

However, the right provider can help ensure your testosterone levels are safe or prescribe an appropriate treatment plan to get you back to a healthy level.

Where do issues with low testosterone in women come from? More times than not, these issues come from problems with their ovaries, or the pituitary or adrenal glands. But, most women are diagnosed with low testosterone around the time menopause begins.

As women age, ovaries will produce lower levels of hormones and estrogen, and testosterone is typically the first to decline naturally.

How can you tell if you’re suffering from low testosterone? Here are some common symptoms:

  • Decreased sexual satisfaction
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Fertility issues
  • Muscle weakness
  • Loss of bone density
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Sluggishness
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain

Can You Identify with Any of the Above Symptoms?

It’s worth speaking to your healthcare provider so that you can get the best treatment plan in place to restore your health and get back to feeling your best!

Research around hormones and women is still limited and varies between medical practices, which is why you want to seek treatment from established hormone specialists if you are concerned, you may be suffering from low testosterone.

To diagnose low testosterone, your hormone specialist will begin with a physical exam then discuss your symptoms, lifestyle, and any other health concerns.

Blood tests can be ordered. If you have not yet reached menopause, your provider will advise on the best time to test levels, as it’s essential to consider the fluctuation experienced around menstruation.

Make Healthy Aging a Priority with Hormone Optimization

Are you concerned you’re experiencing the effects of hormones? We can help! Schedule your consultation with EVEXIAS Medical Denver today!

Our team is committed to helping you find balance. We won’t write prescriptions to address your symptoms; we’ll go the extra mile to find out precisely what is causing those symptoms. Once we know the root cause of your health issues, we can formulate the best recovery plan for your needs!

We use all-natural and plant-based bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with pellets to help you address health concerns and optimize hormones.


Article Name
Testosterone: What Women Need to Know
Many women don’t realize that low testosterone may be causing their hormonal imbalance and a series of associated symptoms. Learn more about testosterone levels in women and how to treat it.