Varicose Vein Removal Treatment Options

October 9, 2019 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
Leading Medical Spa in Denver
October 9th, 2019 0 Comments

Visible varicose and spider veins, which appear just under the skin, can affect anyone. Though these conditions typically occur in women more than men, all patients worry. Why?

Because varicose or spider veins are unsightly and do much more than affect your appearance, if you’re dealing with varicose or spider veins, you’ll find some good information in this post. Because today we will show you some varicose vein removal treatment options.

Are you concerned about the appearance of varicose veins or spider veins as some call it? If so, you probably want more information on the health risks they pose.

If you are also interested in learning about the laser removal process, read on! We’ll break down all of the need-to-know laser vein removal information in this article.

What Are Varicose and Spider Veins?

Both are common conditions affecting adults that occur when vessels become abnormally enlarged. The conditions are more visible with age and affect up to half of the adult population.

Spider Veins Explained

Spider veins, also called telangiectasias, are clusters of tiny blood vessels that develop close to the surface of the skin. They may be red, purple, or blue and have the appearance of a spiderweb, hence the name. They most often appear on the face and legs.

When a vein loses proper function or has suffered valve damage, the blood cannot move through as it should, which may cause the spider veins to appear. Various factors may influence a person to develop spider veins, like heredity, old age, pregnancy, and hormonal changes.

Varicose Veins Explained

Varicose veins are abnormally enlarged veins that mostly present on the legs. They are typically blue, purple, or skin-colored, and they look like dilated, twisting, and bulging vessels that may be raised above the surface of the skin.

When the normal veins that maintain blood flow to the heart become stretched and unable to close completely, varicose veins may appear. This may lead to vein damage, leg pain, or varicose veins.

Similarly to spider veins, varicose veins may occur due to:

  • Hereditary factors
  • Hormonal changes
  • Pregnancy
  • Old age
  • Being overweight
  • Injury to the veins

Signs and Symptoms to Look Out For

Like we mentioned before, these vein issues shouldn’t bother you solely because of their aesthetic impact, but because they may affect your overall health. Here are some of the common complications and symptoms to watch out for:

  • Leg fatigue or leg cramps
  • Swelling and discoloration on legs
  • Restless legsLeg pain, achiness or heavinessItching and/or burningUlcers/open sores

Have you noticed any of these symptoms in recent weeks? Schedule a consultation with our team to learn more about your condition and what we can do to help you feel and look your best!

What You Can Do About Your Vein Concerns

Thanks to modern medicine and advanced technology, patients now have more treatment options. We’ll walk you through a few of the most effective from self-care to treatments that require technological intervention.

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Modifications

The following tips can help prevent new veins, but will not get rid of existing ones. However, putting these into practice could help reduce health complications and increase your chances of successful medical intervention.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet can go a long way in protecting your overall health. You should also elevate your legs daily and avoid soaking in hot baths for long periods. If you sit for long periods, be sure you’re getting up to walk around every 30 minutes or so.

Surgery For Varicose Veins

Adversely, if you stand for long periods, then take a break every 30 minutes. If you experience severe swelling and pain, compression socks can apply steady pressure and help move blood back to your heart. This will reduce swelling and lower your chances of getting a blood clot.


This medical procedure is the most common to eliminate varicose and spider veins and involves injecting a solution, typically a salt solution, directly into the vein.

This solution will intentionally irritate the lining of the blood vessel and cause it to collapse. Once collapsed, it will stick together, and the blood will clot. This means closing off the blood flow and allowing the body to reabsorb the vein.

This method is quick, painless, and very effective, especially when coupled with other treatment plans. We encourage patients to resume normal routines and even walk around after the procedure to encourage proper blood flow.

Laser Treatment

Non-surgical, minimally invasive, and a lasting way to treat varicose and spider veins. During this treatment, you’ll receive a local anesthetic, and we’ll use a laser to destroy the vein from the inside effectively.

Small spider veins often disappear immediately while larger spider and varicose veins may darken and take 1-3 months to disappear. Most patients require three or more laser treatments.

After your procedure, we will place a compression sock on the treated area. Most patients can return to work and normal activities a day or two following treatment.

You will need to protect the treated area from the sun for 3-4 weeks to avoid the development of dark spots. This also prevents new spider veins from popping up as well as skin cancer.

What to Expect in a Varicose Vein Removal Treatment

Vein damage is a sensitive and potentially risky health concern. That’s why we are very cautious in how we diagnose and treat each patient. We also believe that a comprehensive consultation is necessary to build the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

During your consultation, our vein removal expert will examine your affected area and discuss your symptoms. We’ll also recommend different measures that can be used at home to help alleviate any symptoms and prevent potential complications.

We’ll discuss your concerns and come up with the right treatment plan for you!

Let the Experts Guide the Way

When it comes to vein removal, you’ll want an experienced healthcare provider with skill and expertise. While treatments are minimally invasive, better outcomes, and a lower possibility of complications are possible with an expert.

At EVEXIAS Denver, we have spent years training and treating patients with vein removal. Schedule your consultation or learn more by giving us a call at (719) 625-8045!


Article Name
Varicose Vein Removal Treatment Options
Unsightly varicose and spider veins can pose serious health risks. Here’s everything you need to know about safe and effective vein removal.