Hormones and Physical Exhaustion: Feel Like Yourself Again

January 13, 2021 0 Comments Carrie Thompson, NP-C
Leading Medical Spa in Denver
January 13th, 2021 0 Comments

Can’t lose weight? Let’s get the food- and fat-shaming out of the way and talk about what’s really going on with your body. Our culture overly emphasizes the connection between the number of calories we consume and the number of calories we burn.

So much so that you start to feel like you are broken and will never lose weight if that approach to weight loss isn’t working for you. It turns out that although this belief is so prevalent in our culture, the calorie-in/calorie out concept has been disproven and is a common misconception.

The key to losing unwanted belly fat and increasing energy, clarity, and a better mood lies with your hormones. We’re not saying that calories don’t matter. What we are saying is that hormones matter more because hormones control how efficiently your body burns calories.

Hormonal Root Causes

Dieting doesn’t always work for women because diets fail to address the hormonal root causes common for weight loss resistance. Hormone imbalances like the following contribute to weight gain and weight loss resistance.

Cortisol May Be The Culprit

It turns out that cortisol is the biggest culprit when it comes to the inability to lose weight. Your body produces cortisol in response to stress. Since most of us run around stressed out all the time, our cortisol levels are out of whack. High cortisol levels can wreak havoc.

They can deplete your serotonin levels, rob you of sleep, and cause you to store fat—especially belly fat. High cortisol is linked to depression, food addiction, and sugar cravings.

Dysregulated HPA Axis

Typically the root cause of cortisol imbalance is a dysregulated HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis. The HPA is the boss of all of your hormones. High cortisol can result in lower testosterone. 

When the HPA is not functioning correctly, your body makes too much cortisol. You end up:

  • Racing from task to task
  • Feeling exhausted and wired at the same time,
  • Quick to anger
  • Having a muffin top blooming over your clothes

A trend shows lower cortisol ratios during testosterone replacement, suggesting that testosterone reduces the adrenal cortisol response. If your cortisol levels and testosterone levels are not treated appropriately, you may:

  • Lack stamina
  • Cling to a negative point of view
  • Catch frequent colds
  • Experience thyroid problems

After the HPA, cortisol, and testosterone are back in balance, you will see your symptoms relieved. 

You Need a Change

Want to get your hormones back on track and get back to a healthy weight? You need to change the way you:

In most cases, you also need to start on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). BHRT uses bio-identical – or human identical – hormones derived from natural, plant-based hormones to bring your hormone levels back into balance.

Contact Us

If you are ready to stop the shaming and blaming and get real results, call us for an appointment! We’ll work with you to find the underlying problem and start you on a customized plan that will get you back on track in no time!


Article Name
Hormones and Physical Exhaustion: Feel Like Yourself Again
The key to losing unwanted belly fat and increasing energy, clarity, and a better mood lies with your hormones. Let us help you today!